Any individual interested in the construction industry or construction education who desires to contribute knowledge or support to ACCE may become a Lifetime Member. Lifetime Members may participate as members of the Educator or Industry Caucus (as appropriate) and may be appointed to any ACCE committees for which they meet qualifications.
If selected by the Board of Trustees, Individual Members may serve as an officer or trustee. Dues for a Lifetime Membership are a one-time payment of $1,500. Lifetime Members are exempt from additional dues.
Individual Lifetime Members. Click the photos for more detail

Louisiana State University Professor, Construction Management Department Chair Chair of the Contractors Educational Trust Fund (CETF) Professorship

JohnWyatt Publishing Cincinnati, OH

Retired - Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc.

President Benning Construction

Texas A&M University Department of Construction Science Associate Instructional Professor Emeritus (Retired)

Associate Dean, Associate Professor - College of Business Northern Kentucky University

Hensel Phelps Mission Viejo, CA

Professor Manufacturing & Construction Management Department Central Connecticut State University (Retired)

Associate Professor Arizona State University

President/CEO of ACCE Michigan State University Graduate - BS in Construction Management

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

American Power Company (Retired)

Mississippi State University

University of Washington Professor and Dean Emeritus (Retired)

Professor Construction Management University of Houston

Kennesaw State University Professor Emeritus Construction Management (Retired) College of Architecture and Construction Management

Program, Architectural Technology Head (Retired) Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Professor & Interim Chair Department of Construction Management East Carolina University