Our current workshops are listed here, and are subject to change based upon instructor availability. Workshops are heavily practice-oriented, providing tips and discussing techniques for facilitating the learning experience. A reminder that to earn your TLP Certification, you will need to take a minimum of 16 hours (8 in a single specialty area) of workshops, pass the affiliated quizzes, and then sit for a proctored certification exam.
Assessment Methods Including Rubrics
Hours: 1.5
Specialty Area: Content Creation (CC)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: CC3 Assessment Design
Course Description: This workshop covers assessment methods used in courses, both formative and summative. Scoring tools for both direct and indirect assessments are examined, as well as creating and using analytic rubrics.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the various types of assessment methods.
Understand the difference between direct and indirect assessment methods.
Understand holistic and analytic rubrics.
Understand the basics of building a rubric.
Backward Design
Hours: 1.5
Specialty Area: Curriculum Development (CC)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: CD1 Backward Design Principles
Course Description: This workshop discusses the benefits of a backward design framework to improve learning. Walking through the stages of backward design, the workshop concludes with application examples.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the basic principles of backward curriculum design.
List the benefits of using backward design.
Identify the three stages of backward design.
Identify essential components of backwards curriculum design.
Body Language and Communication Skills
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID1 Body Language
Course Description: This workshop starts with the basics of speaking to groups, then moves onto advanced techniques of speaking to stimulate positive emotion in learners. Tips for improving delivery of instruction using body language to convey a messenger and reading student body language are provided.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the minimum essentials for an effective presentation.
Understand advanced skills for improving presentations.
Understand how to use body language while speaking.
Understand the body language signals of your students.
Death by PowerPoint: Redemption by Markerboard?
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID5 Classroom Delivery Methods
Course Description: This workshop examines the advantages and disadvantages of using PowerPoint, and provides tips for effective use, including how to use graphs and graphics impactfully. Various ways of starting a presentation are covered, as well as how to effectively use a markerboard.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using PowerPoint in a classroom setting.
Understand how to improve PowerPoint usage.
Understand various ways to begin a presentation.
Understand the fundamentals of using a marker board.
Developing Interpersonal Rapport
Hours: 1.5
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID2 Rapport Development
Course Description: This workshop reviews the components of exemplary teaching, and discusses how to develop interpersonal rapport. Student behavioral types are explained, as well as how to treat each student type to maximize learning potential.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the components of what constitutes exemplary teaching.
Understand ways of developing interpersonal rapport with the students.
Understand the natural progression of the classroom.
Understand various student types and how to interact and engage with the various types.
Improving the Effectiveness of Group Projects by Incorporating Group Meetings
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Content Creation (CC)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: CC2 Group Project Design
Course Description: This workshop begins with a discussion of industry expectations regarding communication skills. The link between meetings and group project participation are examined, with tips on how to design group projects to incorporate and instruct on meetings.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand research methods for obtaining industry expectations of graduates.
Understand industry expectations regarding communications in construction.
Understand the skills and knowledge required related to meetings.
Discuss ways in which meetings may be incorporated into a group project.
In Class Activities to Improve Learning
Hours: 1.5
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID7 Student REsponse System (SRS) Use
Course Description: XXX
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand active vs. passive learning.
Understand currency market tools for in-class activities to improve learning.
Understand how to apply active learning tools appropriately.​
Metacognition: The Key to Acing Courses
Hours: 1.5
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID6 Metacognition
Course Description: This workshop discusses revised Bloom’s Taxonomy with respect to learning and examines the differences between studying and learning. Examples of specific study and learning techniques are demonstrated.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the basics of Bloom’s Taxonomy with respect to student learning.
Understand the concept of metacognition and the difference between studying and learning.
Understand the importance of various study methods.
Understand a version of the study cycle.
Motivation Theory
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: General (G)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: G2 Motivation Theory
Course Description: This workshop explores goal, attribution, self determination, and expectancy-value theories of motivation before examining the relationship between motivation and learning using the expectancy-value model. Examples for utilizing these models to increase student motivation are shown
Course Learning Outcomes:
Describe goal, attribution, self determination, and expectancy-value theories of motivation.
Understand the relationship between motivation and learning using the expectancy-value model.
Describe strategies that can increase student motivation.
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID4 Questioning
Course Description: This workshop discusses the reasons to ask questions of students and then progresses into the components of a good question. It shows basic and advanced questioning techniques in the classrooms, and touches on the components of a good answer and how to respond to student questions.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand why to use questioning while teaching.
Understand the basics of questioning.
Understand advanced questioning techniques.
Understand how to respond to questions from students.
Situational Factors
Hours: 0.5
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID8 Situational Factors
Course Description: XXX
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the contextual issues that could affect student learning.
Understand Fink’s general categories of situational factors.
Understand how to apply these situational factors to a course.
Teaching in Large Classroom Settings
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID5 Classroom Delivery Methods
Course Description: XXX
Course Learning Outcomes:
Understand the potential distractions/issues with large lecture classrooms.
Understand active learning within large classrooms.
Understand assessment in large classrooms.
The Syllabus: Graphic and Student Centered
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Curriculum Development (CD)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: CD2 Student Centered Syllabus Creation
Course Description: This workshop explains the basic components of a student-centered syllabus as well as a graphic syllabus. A procedure for designing a graphic syllabus is presented.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Describe the essential characteristics of a student-centered syllabus.
Identify appropriate components of a graphic syllabus.
Understand benefits and limitations of a graphic syllabus.
Understand effective design principles for a graphic syllabus.​
Using a Tablet PC as a Virtual Whiteboard
Hours: 1.0
Specialty Area: Instructional Delivery (ID)
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Primary Topic Area: ID3 Presentation Material Creation and Improvement
Course Description: This workshop presents the essentials of a virtual whiteboard, especially the hardware and software requirements. After explaining the essential processes of preparation, organization, delivery and follow up, advanced tools and processes are provided.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Identify essential software and hardware needed to teach with a virtual whiteboard.
Understand benefits and drawbacks of using a tablet PC as a virtual white board.
Understand processes that effectively leverage a virtual whiteboard in the classroom.
Identify best practices and advanced tools that leverage a tablet PC as a virtual white board.